Wednesday, June 10, 2009

For my little sister...

I was asked to do something for someone by doing something for me. As selfish as some people think me to be, I don't do much for me, there's no motivation for it. Nothing moves me to try and do something for myself mostly because I don't care to prove anything to myself. I won't get into what motivates me or why I do things because frankly, its not something I care to share with the general public. This probably leaves you thinking, "Well you opened up the subject."

Very true.

I haven't been here in almost 3 years. The last time I was here, it was a different person writing, a lot can happen in 3 years. I can tell you a lot happened in the month and a half following that last post that made this a different person, so you can imagine what 3 years has done. I don't know if I want to be here, I don't know if I want to be writing because this doesn't feel right. Like I said though, someone asked me to do something for them by doing something for me. So here's to trying...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:)) yay!

looking forward to regular updates.